A Message from the Owner

Travel Agents

Are you interested in adding some of the world’s most amazing tours and locations to your destinations? At Dees Camping and Safaris we’re all about opportunity—the opportunity to explore, to share life-changing experiences, and to partner with the best in the business.

Collaboration has been at the core of Dees Camping and Safaris since day one, with our network of local professional guides forming the foundation of our tours. And we always keep the door open for further collaboration with young, innovative companies, tour leaders, travel agencies and yoga studios as well as early-stage startups, venture firms, and other tour companies.

In the coming pages, you’ll find an overview of Dees Camping and Safaris , each of our locations and some of our special tours. But if I’m being candid, pictures and words on the page don’t really do justice to the wonder and awe experienced on one of our tours, with all of your senses fully engaged. Perhaps you know what I mean based on your own travels. That’s why we’d love the opportunity to share the Dees Camping and Safaris experience with you.

If you’re interested, reach out to us about joining one of the group travel-agent tours listed on our website. It’d be our pleasure to have you.

Being able to bring peoples’ dreams of world travel to life is a privilege we at Nature Horizons never take for granted, and we’re just getting started. Connect with us today to learn more about our tours and to see how we can develop something together.

At Dees Camping & Trekking

We would be honored to take you on a journey through wilderness and history, from the first human footprints to the mind blowing cultural diversities of our tribal life to the beautiful beaches of East Africa.